The Comic Strip Presents: Detectives on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown

The Comic Strip Presents: Detectives on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown




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播放:9 次



编剧:Keith Allen|Peter Richardson



The lead star of a Detective series called "The Gourmet Detective" is found shot dead during an after show party. The only clue is a spangly boot which leads the commander and chief of the local police force to suspect that the perpetrator of the crime is a seventies style criminal. Informing modern day "nineties" copper David Spanker that he must team up with a crew of various TV Detectives from the seventies. Spanker reluctantly has to follow orders. The assembled team of maverick police Detectives comprise of "Shouting" George of "The Weeny", Bonehead and Foyle of "The Bullshitters" and the suave, flamboyant Jason Bentley. But as the law of hackneyed Detective show's dictates. Attempting to solve the mystery proves stressful. As the five ego's and separate crime fighting methods clash. Solving the brutal slaying might be the least of the Detectives problems in this hilarious and anarchic spoof. Written by Robert McElwaine

暴露癖警探二人组bullshitters ( ) 重现江湖~70年代90年代大乱斗~>< 90年代Phil Cornwell这里看起来还挺可爱的><…说实话在没有ade和/或rik主演(这里连酱油都没)的comic strip里,这是我看到现在第一个觉得很好笑的片><

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