Doctor Who - Terror of the Autons

Doctor Who - Terror of the Autons




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播放:65 次


导演:Barry Letts

编剧:Robert Holmes

主演:乔恩·帕特维|Roger Delgado|尼古拉斯·考特尼


The Master arrives on Earth at a circus run by a man named Rossini and steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using a radio telescope and uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics firm run by the Farrel family, where he organises the production of deadly Auton dolls, chairs and daffodils.
  Humanoid Auton dummies distribute the daffodils - designed to spray a suffocating plastic film over their victim's mouth and nose - by giving them away free to members of the public in a fake promotional campaign.
  The Master plans to activate the flowers with a signal from the radio telescope, which he will then use to bring the main Nestene Consciousness to Earth. The Doctor manages to persuade the Master that the Nestenes will have no further use for him once they arrive. The two Time Lords then work together to send the Consciousness back into space.

1.master一脸严肃地说allow me to demonstrate,然后扔出了一个自动充气沙发hhhhhh这段简直笑死感觉下一秒就要九九八九九八真的只要九九八2.bonus提到刀客特-brigadier-马斯特的关系是按照福尔摩斯-华生-莫里亚蒂的模式来写的,突然有种脑洞大开的感觉3.完全萌上了nicholas courtney的眼神wwww

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这集又是那 个牛叉的ROBERT HOLMES编剧的。一直到第四部分的前半都不错,不过后半差了点。还有一开始那个TL我真的想到了麦哥好么(sherlock2010的和《福尔摩斯的私生活》的结合版)……用伞撑着身体三件套神马的……这集笑点还蛮多……总体来说在旧版属于中上等,值得看,master的出场集

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Roger Delgado的Master好帅!全程看刀马调情

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  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片