S02E01 Resolution - 联合果敢号 科学钻井船
In the midst of a giant offshore wind farm, a fantastical ship comes to a stop, jacks up on six enormous legs, and plants itself on the ocean floor.
Meet MV Resolution, the world's first self-elevating ship purpose-built solely to build wind farms in the middle of the ocean. Mighty Ships is aboard for every jaw-dropping minute as she sails into Solway Firth off the west coast of Scotland, construction site of the Robin Rigg Wind Farm.
When it's built, the UK is counting on this wind farm to power 120,000 homes, but construction is behind schedule. Standing stable in impossible sea conditions, Resolution wields her brand new 130 ton hydraulic hydrohammer like the Hammer of Thor, to pound 50-metre tall turbine foundations into the seabed. Resolution has to install 60 turbines before the weather turns nasty, making it impossible to work. With winter winds and waves looming, Resolution is under the gun to finish the job fast.
S02E02 Peace.In.Africa - 非洲的和平号
Just off the coast of South Africa, a futuristic remote crawler creeps along the ocean floor. Its high tech nozzle is sucking up seabed gravel that's full of diamonds, and hoovering them up to the mother ship on the surface - MV Peace in Africa - the world's biggest underwater mining vessel.
S02E03 Akamalik - 高科技拖网渔船
Akamalik是Royal Greenland(为格陵兰和日本合资企业)的一艘捕虾船。它是全球具备顶尖科技的拖网船之一,是集拖网、筛选、加工和包装于一身的海上加工厂。
S02E04 Henry.Larsen - 加拿大海岸警卫队破冰船
CCGS Henry Larsen 是加拿大海岸警卫队(Canadian Coast Guard Ship)的一艘破冰船。是少数能在北冰洋全年不间断执行任务的破冰船之一。船上载有直升机。
S02E05 Uss.Nimitz - 尼米兹号航空母舰
USS Nimitz航空母舰是一个在海上流动的空军基地。船上可载有75架超音速战斗机,可以随时从Nimitz起飞和降落。
S02E06 HDMS.Absalon - 丹麦海军“阿布沙龙”号支援舰
丹麦(Denmark)海军的HDMS Absalon是最先进的战舰之一。于2008年开始参与了打击海盗活动。在非洲东海岸和索马里之间有不少手持军火的海盗。
S02E07 Fairplayer - 最强的重吊船
这是世界上最新、最强的重吊船 MV Fairplayer 的处女航。让我们看看它如何完成它的第一次任务。
S02E08 Tyco.Resolute - 海缆施工船
Tyco Resolute 是一艘海缆施工船。它建立海底的信息高速公路,让21世纪的人们通过海底光缆连接在一起。船上载有一个巨大的水下开沟犁,可以将海缆埋藏在土中。
S02E09 Paul.R.Tregurtha - 北美五大湖中穿行的最大船只
Paul.R.Tregurtha 是在 北美五大湖(Great Lakes)中穿行的最大船只。它的构造是按苏必略湖(Lake Superior)和下游湖泊沿岸工业区之间的运载量最大化来设计。船身308.91m使它蝉联"湖之女王"(Queen of the Lakes)称号。有能力运载55,000吨的货物(铁矿、煤等等),船上配有高效率的自动卸载装置。它能够抵挡恶劣天气、突破湖面的薄冰和穿越狭小的河流。本集记录 Paul.R.Tregurtha 挫折重重的运煤过程。
In the midst of a giant offshore wind farm, a fantastical ship comes to a stop, jacks up on six enormous legs, and plants itself on the ocean floor.
Meet MV Resolution, the world's first self-elevating ship purpose-built solely to build wind farms in the middle of the ocean. Mighty Ships is aboard for every jaw-dropping minute as she sails into Solway Firth off the west coast of Scotland, construction site of the Robin Rigg Wind Farm.
When it's built, the UK is counting on this wind farm to power 120,000 homes, but construction is behind schedule. Standing stable in impossible sea conditions, Resolution wields her brand new 130 ton hydraulic hydrohammer like the Hammer of Thor, to pound 50-metre tall turbine foundations into the seabed. Resolution has to install 60 turbines before the weather turns nasty, making it impossible to work. With winter winds and waves looming, Resolution is under the gun to finish the job fast.
S02E02 Peace.In.Africa - 非洲的和平号
Just off the coast of South Africa, a futuristic remote crawler creeps along the ocean floor. Its high tech nozzle is sucking up seabed gravel that's full of diamonds, and hoovering them up to the mother ship on the surface - MV Peace in Africa - the world's biggest underwater mining vessel.
S02E03 Akamalik - 高科技拖网渔船
Akamalik是Royal Greenland(为格陵兰和日本合资企业)的一艘捕虾船。它是全球具备顶尖科技的拖网船之一,是集拖网、筛选、加工和包装于一身的海上加工厂。
S02E04 Henry.Larsen - 加拿大海岸警卫队破冰船
CCGS Henry Larsen 是加拿大海岸警卫队(Canadian Coast Guard Ship)的一艘破冰船。是少数能在北冰洋全年不间断执行任务的破冰船之一。船上载有直升机。
S02E05 Uss.Nimitz - 尼米兹号航空母舰
USS Nimitz航空母舰是一个在海上流动的空军基地。船上可载有75架超音速战斗机,可以随时从Nimitz起飞和降落。
S02E06 HDMS.Absalon - 丹麦海军“阿布沙龙”号支援舰
丹麦(Denmark)海军的HDMS Absalon是最先进的战舰之一。于2008年开始参与了打击海盗活动。在非洲东海岸和索马里之间有不少手持军火的海盗。
S02E07 Fairplayer - 最强的重吊船
这是世界上最新、最强的重吊船 MV Fairplayer 的处女航。让我们看看它如何完成它的第一次任务。
S02E08 Tyco.Resolute - 海缆施工船
Tyco Resolute 是一艘海缆施工船。它建立海底的信息高速公路,让21世纪的人们通过海底光缆连接在一起。船上载有一个巨大的水下开沟犁,可以将海缆埋藏在土中。
S02E09 Paul.R.Tregurtha - 北美五大湖中穿行的最大船只
Paul.R.Tregurtha 是在 北美五大湖(Great Lakes)中穿行的最大船只。它的构造是按苏必略湖(Lake Superior)和下游湖泊沿岸工业区之间的运载量最大化来设计。船身308.91m使它蝉联"湖之女王"(Queen of the Lakes)称号。有能力运载55,000吨的货物(铁矿、煤等等),船上配有高效率的自动卸载装置。它能够抵挡恶劣天气、突破湖面的薄冰和穿越狭小的河流。本集记录 Paul.R.Tregurtha 挫折重重的运煤过程。