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主演:安东尼·博金斯|Dorothy Stickney|拉里·盖茨


In 1966, Broadway songwriter Stephen Sondheim was offered the opportunity to write a one-hour musical for television to be broadcast on the ABC Stage 67 series. He turned to his collaborator, James Goldman, with whom he was developing a musical that would emerge later as Follies, and they adapted a James Collier short story about a poet who abandons the world to live in a New York department store. There, to his surprise, he encounters a society of people who have done the same thing over the years, among them a young woman who went to sleep in the store as a child. They fall in love, but are threatened by the store's other denizens, who fear their secret will get out. Anthony Perkins played the poet and Charmian Carr (who had been Liesl von Trapp in the previous year's film version of The Sound of Music) was the young woman. Sondheim wrote four songs and much underscoring. The songs "I'm Here" (aka "If You Can Find Me, I'm Here"), "I Remember," "When?," and "Take Me to the World" earned recordings on Sondheim albums later, but the soundtrack to the program was not released legitimately. That inspired theater buffs, who dubbed it from the videotape and pressed it up on a bootleg LP, also trading it as a tape between them. The tape runs about 45 minutes (the commercials having been deleted), and it gives a good sense of the show, with Perkins and Carr coming off well as the doomed lovers. It is not a major Sondheim work, by any means, and the songs can be found elsewhere, but for the Sondheim cult it is a treasured (and hard-to-find) rarity. ~ William Ruhlmann, All Music Guide

The early brilliance of Sondheim. 这样的合作真是让人欢喜!

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剧情整体很诡异,尤其是Dark Men和结尾处的塑料模特。但是中间的过程很甜蜜,感觉是为了两首歌写的剧情。唱歌的地方渲染的很动人唯美,但是其他的部分就是快进的剧情。不过就为了那两首歌看这剧绝对值,并且男女主角长得很可口(deliciously good-looking!)

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很短的音乐剧电影,剧情简单诡异,音乐继续是Stephen Sondheim,perkins绯闻男友之一,写sweeney todd的那位暗黑系,这里居然很甜。。女主是音乐之声的一个姑娘,两人唱歌都非专业感,perkins即使在这里还是太诡异,尤其一个灯泡的特写让我不得不想到psycho地下室><

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  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片