A-nis: Stevie Wonder

A-nis: Stevie Wonder




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Sgeul-beatha Stevie Wonder. Ro' na platinum ecords, 's na duaisean Grammy, bha gille dall ann a Detroit 's e beò am measg ùpraid teaghlaich a bh'air sgarradh. Ged nach robh lèirsinn aig Stevie, chruthaich e fhèin gibht shònraichte son ceòl agus bhitheadh buaidh mhòr aige air gnìomhachas a' chiùil. Làn tàlant agus misneachd, chaidh Stevie gu mullach nan clàran oifigeil - ach cha robh e furasta.
  Ann an 1961, chaidh deuchainn-chluiche a thathann dha, air beulaibh neach-gnìomh Motown, Berry Gordy. Bha comas aig an duine seo beatha Stevie atharrachadh sa mhionaid. Bhitheadh a' mhòr chuid do dheugairean air clisgeadh, ach cha b' ionan iad sin 's Stevie òg. Le sìnteag aotrom, thadhail e air Motown Records, 's cha b' ann a-mhàin gun do ghlac e aire duine neo dithis an sin - bha buaidh mhaireannach aige air ceòl pop Amerigeanach cuideachd.
  Stevie Wonder biography. Before platinum records, before the Grammy Awards, there was just a blind kid from a broken Detroit home. Despite his blindness, Stevie Wonder had a prodigious musical gift and would turn out to be a hugely influential figure in the music business. His talent and confidence would take him to the top of the charts but it wasn't an easy ride.
  In 1961, he was offered an audition in front of the one man who could transform his life overnight - Motown executive Berry Gordy. It was a make-or-break moment that could lift his family out of poverty and give him his musical break. Most adolescents would have been paralyzed with fear. Not young Stevie. He swaggered and took Motown Records by storm, changing American pop music forever.


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