imagine… Margaret Atwood: You Have Been Warned!

imagine… Margaret Atwood: You Have Been Warned!




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导演:Katy Homan


主演:Alan Yento|Margaret Atwood


For decades Margaret Atwood has been universally acclaimed as Canada's greatest living writer. Fearlessly outspoken in life and in her work Atwood has always been an unrelenting provocateur.
  Now at the age of 77 her star shines brighter and bolder than ever, thanks to an explosive television adaptation of her best-known work The Handmaid's Tale, which was first published in 1985. It's a dystopian work of speculative fiction set in the future, which has drawn comparison with aspects of Donald Trump's leadership, in particular the charges of misogyny which have inflamed anti-Trump campaigners across America.
  In tonight's imagine... Alan Yentob meets up with Margaret Atwood in Toronto and discovers how a childhood spent between the Canadian wilderness and the city helped shape her vision of herself and the world, set alight her imagination and set her forth on a path to literary success.

Anyway, my dearest one, we still got the moon. 看哭了

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you don't have to suffer to be perceptional.

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We wish to assert our existence, like dogs peeing on fire hydrants. What do we hope from it? Applause, envy, respect? Or simply attention, of any kind we can get? At the very least we want a witness. We can't stand the idea of our own voices falling silent finally, like a radio running down.

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