足迹 footprints

足迹 footprints




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播放:61 次


导演:Alton Letto

编剧:Alton Letto

主演:安德鲁·郝雷|山姆·菲利普斯|Daisy Keeping|娜塔丽·朱|Daniel Fine|Alton Letto|Nessa Wrafter


Dylan exists alone and isolated because of a special ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others. Haunted by a recurring dream he has about walking on a beach, he floats through life directionless and living vicariously through strangers. After another night of going into the minds of those on the streets of London, he meets his neighbor who makes it clear she likes him. Realizing he is no longer capable of living a normal life, he attempts to get back to normality by reading couples he sees around him. When this goes wrong he enters the mind of a man who is killed. After effectively dying with the man, Dylan wakes up and knocks on his neighbors door.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片