生命的面孔 Facs of life

生命的面孔 Facs of life




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播放:73 次


导演:Silvia Maglioni|Graeme Thomson


主演:Gilles Deleuze


Inspired by, and making creative use of, the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, Facs of Life is a film in eight plateaus that attempts to sketch and construct singular trajectories of life and thought, beginning from a series of encounters: with video footage of Deleuze’s courses at Vincennes (1975-76); with several of the students who attended the seminar and who appear in these images, found 30 years later; with the woods of Vincennes where the university buildings (pulled down in 1980) once stood; with students of the new university at St Denis; and inevitably with the phantoms of revolution, both cinematic and political, that continue to haunt our desires.
  The eight plateaus each fall under a key concept-word or refrain that delineates the territory of each student’s relationship to Deleuze’s thought (their angle of approach) and the nature of our encounter with them. The plateaus, while sketching a narrative of the film’s making, are designed to fold and unfold upon each other in a series of non-linear, multiple concatenations and assemblages.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片